Lower-Body Workouts for Weight-Loss

Lower-Body Workouts for Weight-Loss

Sometimes life is crazy and you can't always make it to the gym. You shouldn't sacrifice getting in a good workout just because you are busy. Check out my videos below for lower-body exercises that can be done just about anywhere! 

Because most lower body exercises recruit most of the muscles in your body (especially when you’re holding weight), your heart rate is sure to get pumping quickly. Increasing muscle mass in your lower body will not only make your legs more toned, it will help you burn more calories throughout the day! Some experts indicate that 1 pound of muscle can burn up to 30-50 more calories per day then 1 pound of fat.

Use my formula below for easily creating your own fat burning workout. See my videos below to demonstrate good form and technique. Tip: always keep your back flat, belly in, and a tall chest.

  • Pick at least three of the exercises below and set your timer for 1:00.
  • Do each movement 3-5 times (or more if you're really motivated).
  • Increase intensity by using heavier weight or move faster. 